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A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture

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I Am #ActuallyAutistic, Hear Me Tweet: The Autist-Topoi of Autistic Activists on Twitter
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Can We Really Call Bullshit?: Bullshit, Anti-Intellectualism, and the Need for Vulnerability in Rhetoric
Bruce Bowles Jr., Texas A&M University–Central Texas

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The Needle and the Bird: Modeling Invention, Delivery, and Seriality in Webcomics
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Rich Shivener, York University

Age Identity and Literacy
Lauren Marshall Bowen, University of Massachusetts Boston

Like Frost on a Windowpane: On the Pluriversal Possibilities of Spacetime
David Grant, University of Northern Iowa

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Alex Reid, State University of New York at Buffalo

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Herstory: Conversations with Feminist Scholars in Academia
Mare Grohowski, Southern New Hampshire University

Megan Adams, The University of Findlay  

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Review of Scot Barnett's Rhetorical Realism: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Ontology of Things
Trevor C. Meyer, Northwest Missouri State University

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Ben Wetherbee, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

Review of Michele Kennerly and Damien Smith Pfister’s Ancient Rhetorics and Digital Networks
Matt Breece, University of Texas at Austin


豹子加速器- 旋风

Cultivating Inclusivity: A Response from the Managing Editor

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